We wanted you to be the first to know: The 2nd edition of our successful book, Lead With Your Customer, is launching on Amazon!
We are excited about all the new insights it has for you! This new book still shares our extensive experience, thought leadership, and hundreds of best-in-business examples to create a comprehensive approach for achieving organizational excellence. As a bonus, with this 2nd edition, you also get detailed examples from those who have applied our ideas and concepts. You’ll find great solutions for building solid brands, creating high performing cultures, and providing for leadership excellence in your organization.
Here’s a behind-the-scenes secret: The most admired companies in the world have the same basic resources that you have—offices, computers, pens, phones, Internet, people. The primary difference is the unique way they use those resources. This book reveals the “chain reaction” that allows them to consistently achieve extraordinary results.
Lead With Your Customer, 2nd edition will guide your team with detailed benchmark practices followed by all best-in-class organizations. With implementation tips and case studies on how to effectively engage each “customer” —internally, as you engage your employees and build your organization’s culture, and externally, as you engage your customers and build your brand. For this second edition, we include fresh, cutting edge examples from organizations including IKEA, Harley-Davidson, Southwest Airlines, Ritz-Carlton, MD Anderson Cancer Center, and, of course, Walt Disney.
Please order your copy today at Amazon, and get tips on how to lead with your customers and take your business to the next level. We are eager to hear your success stories and feedback!