That was the slogan for Coca-Cola back in 1969. And it appears to still be the motto today. Take a look at this interview of Coca-Cola CEO and Chairman Muhtar Kent. He’s interviewed by Dan Cathy, President and COO of Chick-fil-A. Included are the following messages:
- “Walk in the shoes of your customer”–Muhtar spends an enormous amount of time traveling and visiting the some 200 countries where Coke products are sold.
- “Call it a vision. Paint a picture that is simple, graspable, understandable…find a compelling way to continue to communicate that and you need to make sure people are inspired by it.”
- “A good brand is a promise kept.”
- “You’ve got to always ask yourself the question, what are the promises? Are we keeping them? Are we ahead of those promises?
- “Consumers are no longer voting for products simply and only because how good it tastes…It’s the moral contract. It’s about the character of us that produced those brands.”
These same messages are in alignment with our book, Lead With Your Customer. They are sustainable steps you must take in order to be successful in building a compelling brand and a high-performing culture.