President Truman, on more than one occasion, would refer to the concept that “The Buck Stops Here”. Indeed, he saw a sign for such on the desk of another federal official in Missouri. Truman liked it so much he asked if such a sign could be made for him. When he received it, he placed it at the front of his desk in the White House.

The expression is a reference associated with the saying “pass the buck.” Here’s what A Dictionary of Americanisms on Historical Principles had to say:
“The saying “the buck stops here” derives from the slang expression “pass the buck” which means passing the responsibility on to someone else. The latter expression is said to have originated with the game of poker, in which a marker or counter, frequently in frontier days a knife with a buckhorn handle, was used to indicate the person whose turn it was to deal. If the player did not wish to deal he could pass the responsibility by “passing the buck,” as the counter came to be called, to the next player.”
So in essence, “the buck stops here” means that the individual is going to “deal” with the issue involved. Making it your company’s mantra that employees are going to take ownership and deal with the problems they encounter is critical to being world-class. Yet doing so seems very difficult for many organizations, even on very simple matters.
Returning the Shirt
For example, returning a shirt can become a huge hassle if the process isn’t considered from the customer’s point of view. Imagine you return to a store to exchange a shirt you purchased earlier. The sales associate informs you that he or she can’t help you, that you’ll need to go to customer service to process the exchange. Once you get to customer service, the associate informs you that he or she can’t help you, and that you need to see the supervisor. After waiting for the supervisor to arrive, the supervisor tells you that before he or she can process the exchange, you’ll need to fill out a form. By the time you go through all that extra effort, you might be justifiably upset.
If the employee is empowered to handle the situation immediately and satisfy the original reason you came to the store, the process allows for an opportunity to prevent further “cost” on behalf of the customer–hopefully, even adding value in some way. Even in cases where multiple functions need be involved, processes can be established to allow front line employees to work together to make the experience easier for the customer. Accountability can still be part of the process, it simply can be handled among the team or behind-the-scenes–away from the customer experience.
Whether it’s a major government entity or simply returning an article of clothing, world-class organizations identify processes for which employees should take responsibility that enables them to work together effectively, retain accountability, and optimize the customer experience in the process. Moreover, they empower their employees to “deal” with the situation when a “given hand” is presented to them. Some management believes they can’t empower their employees to handle certain matters. Others think that they are too busy to handle such issues. But if the president of the United States can take ownership, why not everyone else?

If these are the kinds of issues you deal with in your organization, may we suggest reading our book, Lead With Your Customer: Transform Culture and Brand Into World-Class Excellence. It’s available on Amazon today!