Case Study
Improving customer service throughout in the services provided by the City of Sammamish. Sammamish is the bedroom town to the City of Redmond, which is headquarters for Microsoft. Its residents are particular about the quality of services they should expect from city government. Therefore, it was the vision of the City Manager to improve the quality of its services to its citizens.

Working with city management, a service mission and values were established, then launched across the organization. “Building Community Together” became more than a passing phrase. External and internal service committees were established to help improve the city’s response to both its citizens and employees. From there a wide array of 10 different training programs were offered to the city employees, from being professional to dealing with difficult citizens; from collaboration to continuous improvement. Toolkits were created to provide ongoing support to staff in the delivery of exemplary customer service. Additionally, individual coaching and consulting was offered.
Ultimately, In 2012, Forbes magazine ranked The City of Sammamish as the friendliest city of America. The city has created an influence that permeates throughout its neighborhoods. “I have never lived in a community that’s more welcoming,” says Katy Chung, a six-year resident and a stay-at-home mother. “When we first moved here, neighbors came out of their homes to introduce themselves and give me delivery menus!” That friendliness is not unusual in Sammamish, adds Chung, who now joins her neighbors in welcoming newcomers to the neighborhood.