In a previous blog, we spoke about the idea of taking an MRI and making it like a day at the beach. It’s one thing to say that, and another to experience it. Not long ago, my wife had to have an MRI. It didn’t involve the big sand castle contraption, but it did take place at their facilities. I was impressed by this card that came from Seaside Imaging:
The card was themed to the experience at Seaside Imaging. It included a personal thank you inside. Inscribed were brief, hand-written notes from the staff. It also included an invitation to offer any feedback via the survey which would come in an e-mail. And, it offered the names, e-mails, and phone number extensions of key personnel, in the event you wanted to reach out individually to the leaders of the organization.
The card and the gesture behind it is simple, but meaningful. Whether you’re in healthcare or another business, ask yourself:
- How do you follow up with your customers?
- How do you invite feedback from your customers?
- Do you provide a way for customers to reach out directly to you with their feedback?
- How do you personalize your thanks for customers doing business with you?